Monday, June 18, 2012


Anime News Network has posted part 2 of its how anime is licensed series. Here is an excerpt of this must read article.

Before anything can actually happen, the two parties must come together on a written contract. While people who have never had to deal with contracts might think of them a something of a formality, the truth is that creating them is the hard part. At this stage, every detail of how the two companies are to cooperate needs to be worked out and agreed to on paper, and then signed off on by a senior executive at the company (and the creator's agent, and possibly the production committee). Needless to say, this is where things can get seriously messy.
I completely agree. As I said back in 2006 anyone can say anything during verbal negotiations, however, it is what is written into the contract that matters at the end of the day.


Instapundit, a United States political blog produced by Glenn Reynolds, a law professor at the University of Tennessee is promoting The Robotech DVD Box Set from A&E today. What Robotech goodness is the mighty Glenn Reynolds promoting? Well click on the link, particularly if you are "on the fence" about purchasing the Robotech A&E DVD Box Set.

Monday, June 11, 2012


Anime News Network has posted part 1 of a new series about how anime is licensed. Part is is quite long but it is very informative and here is an excerpt.

Producers cold-call or cold-e-mail companies that have released similar shows in their areas of the world before, and ask if they want to take a look at their shows. This is a big job, and requires pretty decent English skills. If a producer is too small to handle it themselves, they might hire a sales agent to handle this part of the process. They prepare screener copies, packets of flyers ("one-sheets") promoting new shows, and fancy catalogs of old stuff that might still be available. Some distributors like to license a bunch of TV shows or movies at once, so having a large amount of good, available content can be a real asset to getting a deal done.
And then there are trade shows, such as MIP-TV, American Film Market, TIFFCOM (attached to Tokyo International Film Festival), NATPE (National Association of Television Program Executives), and just for anime, Tokyo Anime Fair. These trade shows are huge affairs that are, by day, semi-formal meetings at booths (complete with info packets, screeners, and business cards), and at night turn into fun, casual grown-up talk.